CareLink Year End Letter
Hello Friends!
Well, it is hard to believe the end of the year is approaching, and what a year it has been. We are so grateful for your support of our efforts this year, and we continue to make a huge difference in the lives of marginalized people in the developing world. We are changing lives…and you are helping! We thank you.
Honduras Update
Conditions in Honduras continue to be extremely difficult. While there was some optimism two years ago when the national elections provided a sense of hope, the newly-elected leaders have unfortunately failed to deliver on most of their promises, leaving many citizens of this beautiful country in continuous need. This fact makes the work we do more important than ever. Crime and violence, corruption and extreme poverty remain. Thankfully, the majority of the microfinance businesses we have funded are doing well, and paying their loans back on a timely basis. And our water filter programs continue to help reduce the suffering of thousands of people, particularly children, who’s lives are severely impacted by the global unsafe water crisis.
66 The number of businesses we have funded in Honduras
Success Story
So many of our microfinance entrepreneurs are thriving, but Francis really stands out. A young and visionary MBA student, Francis started a bakery out of her home last year with a CareLink Microfinance loan. Now, just a year later, she has added a second location at the International Airport in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and has three employees! Her business is growing, and Francis has expanded her product line to include delicious “Cakes in a Jar” that are flying off the shelves at her airport location. Francis is an inspiring example of the power of microfinace capital in the developing world. She is creating jobs and opportunities.
A Carpenter Finds Hope
Deamantino is a dedicated family man, solid Christian, and a talented carpenter who lives in the Capital of Belize, Belmopan. Thanks to a generous donor, he will see his dream come true in January when he opens his custom carpentry shop.
Belize Update
During 2023, we made three trips to Belize, building relationships with pastors, (our “feeder system’ for identifying microfinance loan candidates), securing a partnership with World Gospel Outreach WGO), and identifying and vetting microfinance business owners. We have a number of candidates ready to fund!
30 The number of entrepreneurs in Belize we have identified and vetted for funding for 2024
The Water Crisis is Real
The unsafe water problem is, unfortunately, worsening in the developing world. The United Nations now estimates that over 26% of the world lacks access to clean, safe water. Children are impacted most severely, suffering from chronic illnesses, missing school, and experiencing life-altering developmental delays. Our free water filter distribution program is making a life-saving difference in Honduras. A child dies every two minutes from illnesses related to unsafe water.
15,000 The number of persons that have benefited from our free water filters in Honduras
Microfinance Pays Forward!
Remember, we are not just about providing loans…we provide hope and a future for families and their children. Beyond that, those we serve know that it is Jesus Christ who we always endeavor to model as we provide our services to his people. One of the most powerful outcomes of our microfinance loans is that most families use some of their business profits to send their kids to school. Education provides hope and a bright future to the next generation, and helps these children break the cycle of extreme poverty. Microfinance is sustainable and it pays forward.
Year-End Matching Opportunity
We are pleased to announce that a generous donor has pledged to match all donations received before the end of 2023! We are looking for people who want to change lives! And there has never been a better time to invest in our work with this 2X leveraging opportunity. Just visit us at to donate on-line
Thank you!
Jeffrey Hartman
CareLink Foundation
I would love to hear from you!
(m) 312-282-4140